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1) Watch Vinkensport and The Impresario for free on your television using Marquee TV:

  • Create a free account at and set up a username and password. Note: Do not start a free trial. Instead, select the “Sign In/Up” button and then select “Create an Account”.

  • After you create a free account the site will show you options to purchase a subscription, but you do not have to make a purchase to watch the show. Instead search for Vinkensport in the search hourglass icon.

  • Download the Marquee TV app on your television using your AppleTV, Roku, or Amazon/FireTV device.

  • Log in and enjoy free access to the entire HGO Digital season.

2) Watch it online for free at Marquee TV:

  • Use your free account (instructions above) to watch the season on your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

  • Be sure to create an account before show time.

  • Log in and enjoy free access to the entire HGO Digital season.

3) Watch it online for free on HGO’s website:

  • Vinkensport and The Impresario will be available on HGO’s website and viewable using your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

  • You will need to set up a free account with HGO to login to access the content.

  • Create an account here before show time. 

If you miss the premiere, don’t worry! You have an entire month to watch - and re-watch - each offering. HGO and Marquee TV are offering a 50% discount for folks who are interested in subscribing to Marquee TV for one year. Click here for this special offer.

Subscribe to Marquee TV today!